upcoming Events


Best Practices for Outdoor Learning & Sharing Public Space (webinar)

On Tuesday June 2, at 3pm we held a discussion on public land use etiquette for children’s programs.

You can view the recording here. Access Password: 7s=%729n

This free webinar is open to anyone who is interested in working with their children and students outdoors in the coming school year, (whether you are an indoor teacher or outdoor teacher)!

As it becomes clear that learning outside is safer than inside, parks and open spaces will be in greater demand. This offering is for educators who work with all ages, whether you work in an indoor school OR outdoor school, to learn about how to be good stewards of our Nature and human community.

With decades of experience in working with groups of children in the outdoors, the California Association of Forest Schools co-President Lia Grippo, along with Erin Boehme, and Kelly Villarruel from the Academy of Forest Kindergarten Teachers will be hosting a discussion and presenting on topics such as:

• Tending the land

• Sharing space with community members

• Tending relationships with parks caretakers

• Sharing space with other programs

• What not to do!

Feel free to email questions to info@CAforestschools.org



Understanding New Safety Guidelines for Forest Schools (webinar)

Join us on Saturday May 9th, at 3pm for a discussion on new California health and safety guidelines. This is part of a webinar series, 1/3.

CAFS Board Members Joanna Ferraro and Liana Chavarín will facilitate a conversation about understanding new guidelines and considerations for reopening our programs, with community safety at the forefront.

Notes and recorded video from this event can be found here. Please contact us for the password, which has already been provided to participants of this event after they submitted their feedback form.